calling all the moms

come, let’s gather
let’s find our sanity together.

we’ve always needed the village.
and the village (for so many of us) has been long lost

let’s come back
figure it out
be in the overwhelm
the forever too-much and too-hard

come for companionship (first and foremost)
the felt sense of not-alone-ness

come for the understanding
hear and be heard, know and be known for what it’s been like for you
for all these days/months/years on the new road

come for the skill-building (mindfulness and Nonviolent Communication)
we will practice these with each other, so you can use them with your child(ren)

come for the sanity
because my good goddess
we were never meant to do this growing-a-human thing alone
and in good company
we find our collective sigh, release, relief, and grounded sensibilities
once again

the listening space

for our parts

the wild ones

the angry ones

the lost ones

the grieving ones

the grateful ones

the joyful ones

for our parts

and for each other